Law Firms


When was the last time you checked the business health of your immigration practice?

Immilytics’ Immigration Practice Dashboard helps Law Firms better understand the business health of your practice and provide actionable insights across all immigration programs. Clarity and context are the key to streamlining and honing your immigration practice. It is essential to have an overarching view of the success of your immigration practice at all times. A forward-thinking strategy and innovative technology can ensure your staff, casework, processes and procedures are more effective and efficient.






Law Firm 360˚
Immigration Program


Law Firm 360o Immigration Program View



Customized Dashboards Give Actionable Intelligence

Customized Dashboards Give Actionable Intelligence

You need actionable information and you need it fast. With ImmiLytics’ custom dashboards, immigration teams, partners, practice groups, and specified staff members can instantly get a 360˚ view of the business health of your immigration practice. Our software enables groups to configure stakeholder-specific dashboards or views to provide relevant information tailored to your role in a matter of minutes.

  • CFO view gives insight into the Profitability of Teams, Partners, Practice Groups, etc.
  • Owner/Partner view shows high-level overview of the practice.
  • Case Manager view may show the productivity and profitability of his/her direct reports.

Are you invested in the success of your paralegals?

Lawyers and paralegals both succeed when paralegals are equipped with the resources and tools they need to be quick and efficient. Balanced workloads and increasing productivity can positively impact the bottom line.

Do your paralegals have what they need to get the job done?

Law Firm 360o Immigration Program View